Friday, October 1, 2010

Lookin' Back

This past week my parents exprienced the epic move into their new maison.  It has had its ups and downs but mostly ups.  Jehovah has certainly blessed them for their patience and willingness to completely change their lives upside down.  However with that comes hassles and irritations that are unavoidable in this world.  I am so proud of them for all they have done to simplify and all they will continue to do.  To hear some of the hilarious stories check out my mom's fabulous new blog 

With my parent's move though has come a bittersweet ending to this chapter of our lives.  Moving down here first with the three of us is an experience I will never ever forget.  The day we left Ohio in our minature scion caravan wiping our tears and wondering what lied ahead, seems so.......distant.  I can't believe we are coming up on a year of living here November 1st.  It truly feels as though I have been here all my life, except for my lack of general knowledge of Texas geography (for instance did you know that the Bush's were from Midland, Texas only 4 hours from me we've been there... you would never ever guess that town was rolling in oil money)  and the on-going struggle to learn Spanish of course.  I can truly say this is home.  Soon our family was able to make the long awaited haul down and we bunkered in as close and I mean close roommates.  Now with the moving out of part of my family the house seems empty almost too empty.  The walls literally echo....but these growing pains 

With my parent's moving truck came a small box of my highschool yearbooks, old ballerina shoes, and pamphlets from Ballets....such memories that I could fill pages and pages with and they fit in small file box.  Amazing.


Anonymous said...

This made me tear up a little bit. You guys have been gone a year...

Meg said...

I can't believe it either!