Sunday, February 14, 2010

Fair t' Middlin'

El Paso Dictionary Continued:
"Fair to Midland"- This phrase is used in response when people ask, "how are you?" I have heard this term used several times in the work setting and finally had to ask what it meant. It means "Not Bad". Basically it comes from the agricultural days in describing the grades of cotton and other goods. The correct use of the term is "Fair to Middling". However with a southern drawal it becomes "Fair t' Middlin'" and here in El Paso where a city near by is called Midland they play on words saying, "Fair to Midland". So next time you are looking for a creative way to respond try it out.

1 comment:

jMac said...

My dad has always used that phrase but I never knew where it came from! And despite the fact that we have no southern blood in us whatsoever, he also says it fair t' middlin...doesn't sound like a southern accent though...I can't really explain that.