Thursday, October 14, 2010


Suddenly I am getting flash backs to my 4-7 grade years of guitar classes with my Beatle-Fanatic teacher playing in my head ;)  (the title may have something to do with that)

Yesterday was a day of beauty and worry.  Recently my Mum and I have had the joy of spending Wednesday mornings waking up extra early to head to a Bible study on a young girl on the other side of the mountain. Sadly yesterday she had midterms and so was unable to hold our normal routine.  However, our Wednesday was of course ready to be spent in the ministry.  Since the assembly was last weekend we decided to consolidate all of our studies that had to be postponed over the weekend to Wednesday.  Off we headed with a few dissapointments of more cancellations along our way but also with a few surprises of finding some home that we didn't expect. 

The afternoon ended up a bit crazy when a Medical Emergency in a dear family at our hall came up...but once again I had the joy of watching my as all those in the congregation pulled together to make sure everything went smoothly.  Smoothly yes, unlike Stefan's hair which was proudly styled by the children of that family.  You'll have to ask him for pics.  Quite amusing! 

In the evening I started my first night of interpreting at UTEP for a Business Quantitative Statistics Course. Can I just say one word, "HELP!"  Those of you who know me well know that I DON'T ENJOY MATH.....In anyway shape or form...Unless it is Geometry. And that is only because I can see it in a real life situation that I would use.  Others may use Math regularly from Algebra and Calculus but not I!  So this class is absolutely a challenge but a fun one.  Signs such as, "Standard Deviation" "7!" (7 factorial for those of you who are just as unskilled as I)  "Exponents"  etc........ leave my head spinning.  Slowly some things are coming back to me but when you add a thickly accented somewhat quiet professor's voice on top of it I was ever so thankful to have another interpreter that I am supporting as we are struggling together to make heads or tails out of it (or should I say Numerator and Denominator out of it)  Ok I promise I'll stop with the Math jokes now.

Tomorrow evening I will be heading to pick up a dear friend to spend a girl weekend while I still have my boy-less apartment.  Sure I will have some stories to share :)

Hope you all have a lovely day!

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