Good morning to all!
Just got in last night from our long haul to Denver this past weekend for our Special Assembly Day. What a true-biz shot in the arm of energy and spiritual strength! Our C.O. Jesse Gorneault shared some wonderful thoughts that really hit home. One of those points was that the Bible Students who attend our congregation meetings are truly Jehovah's Bible Students and it is the ENTIRE Congregation's responsibility to teach and help that student progress. Although this idea wasn't new the way he explained it was so much more clear. For example he explained that when someone asks that Bible Student who is teaching them, they should readily explain, "Sister so and so shows me how to research with the index, Brother so and so teaches me how to study the Watchtower, Sister so and so teaching me how to study the KM, Brother so and so teaching me how to look up information on and so on and so on. Just thought I would share that lovely point as it is a reminder to us all that we are each an integral part of every student as they come into the Truth.
The assembly hall in Denver is currently in the process of pre-construction which means that our assembly is held in the Marriott Renaissance Hotel near the airport.
Let me tell you, there is a part of me that will be very sad when the assembly hall is complete. The entire hotel is full of Witnesses. We all sleep, wake up, get ready, and literally take the elevator down to the large ballroom which is converted into an assembly. (looks just like one too! You would never know it was a Hotel till you take the Elevator up to the lobby) The Hotel is absolutely beautiful too with the world's MOST COMFORTABLE BEDS! We were considering taking some home on top of our Giant Uncle Rico Van which we had rented. But we thought it may be a problem getting the van out of the parking garage. It was tall enough as it was! What a blessing to have the Brothers working so hard for us to make sure we are comfortable during our conventions!
Our car group was such a joy as well. We had two sisters and a brother from our congregation all of whom we were looking forward to getting to know more closely as now that our congregation has grown and is split for one meeting a week it makes it harder to get to talk to everyone as often. All of them have such interesting life stories and by the end I can say we truly felt like family :)
Our special speaker at the assembly was Brother Jeremy Mallory and he gave some tremendous illustrations! However for those of you who haven't had your Special Day yet I don't want to ruin any illustrations that may also be given at yours. If you have had it however, email me and we can compare notes :)
Well I had best get going. On to work now. I hope you all are having a gorgeous day and I send my love!
(Yes I realize this is more like an email than a post....however it is so much more simple than forwarding an email)
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