To quote the words of Damien Rice, "Cold, cold water, surrounds me now." For many of you this is going to seem like Deja Vu as this topic has been discussed previously. When we arrived to our new home we had to wait two days for the hot water to be turned on due to the "Gas Nazi's" of the Texas Gas Company. Pretty much if you don't keep the originally set appointment for the turning on of your gas, then....."NO GAS FOR YOU!" However we all told each other that one day we would look back and laugh at this experience. And so we did. Till again this weekend we find ourselves in the same predictament. Our water heater was replaced this weekend, as the landlord realized it needed to be when it was originally turned on. Fantastic!
Except it doesn't work..... ha ha ha.... So here we find ourselves again boiling water, filling our bathtub, and nursing our colds that have developed. Today, a plumber may come to fix the issue, again I say may as it is always a possibility that today can mean tomorrow or next week. Yes my friends, one day we will look back on this and laugh, but we will be more careful how soon we do so this time. In the mean time our stove is feeling well loved, and we are getting plenty of exercise carrying boiling water up and down the stairs. I think this may be preparation for something, I'm just not sure what yet.
That's very sad, but at least to get warm again there is plenty of desert nearby to lounge in. And think of how ripped your arms are gonna get! You can arm wrestle any Mexican to his knees!
Hahaha Honestly Honey, exactly what I have done when I lived in the Philippines.
It was usually hot enough that you wouldn't mind taking a bath in cold water. (Quite refreshing actually!)
However, there were several times where you just were too cold to have a cold bath.
I understand your shivers:)
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