The Blending Of Cultures, Languages, Fashion, And People. All Photos Are Appreciatively Borrowed From A Variety of Sites...If You Do Not Wish Your Photos To Be Shared Please Contact Me And I Will Be Happy To Remove Them :)
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Old Man In the Mountain
Monday, December 21, 2009
El Paso Dictionary Continued #1
El Cucuy- the mexican version of the boogey man, except ur parents can call him to terrorize childeren any time they misbehave, also an alternatize to the word ugly. Example: If u don't behave the Kukuee is gonna get u! Not to be confused with Bon Qui Qui ;) Both are equally as scary but very different.
Elephant Butte- (prounounced BEWT) Not what it seems. A tiny lake (For Northern Americans it would be classified as a large pond) and pretty much the only body of water around here for miles and it is located in New Mexico. Not sure whether or not it counts as it is man made.
Rio Grande- (Words can be deceiving) Very tiny trickle of water which separates Juarez from El Paso. Literally a trickle.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Dry Erase Boards

In the Sign Language we are encouraged to use visual images in order to convey thoughts and ideas as much as possible of course. The use of mind-mapping is a necessity if one ever wishes to progress in sign language or wishes for their Bible students to progress as well. One tool that is used exclusively here in El Paso however is the WHITE BOARD! (Dramatic Music plays in the back ground)
These simple blank slates are a staple item at any meeting. For each and every talk these little miracles are put to use. Making for interesting entertainment, including the setting up and displaying of the white board, the writing on the white board, the taking down of the white board, and the white board being carried onto the stage single handedly by a brother half the size of it more or less.
I always expect to hear super hero music and a television commercial voice, (preferably Joe Dawson if you know him) stating, "HAVE NO FEAR WHITE BOARD IS HERE!" Keep in mind that this little invention is not pushed aside in fact it is ingeniously used on Bible studies. This cheap little item turns Bible studies struggling with language barriers (let's face it 50% of our Sign language territory is Mexican Sign only) into full on Bible discussions.
Our Watchtower conductor always asks the young ones in the congregation to draw a small mind mapping scene either from the whole WT or just a paragraph or main point. These drawings are then posted (onto the white board) for all to enjoy and ponder during the WT discussion.
The thing is the effort and time that these brothers put into their parts is so heartfelt and loving. The white board is just a small example of their teaching style differences.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
El Paso Dictionary
Tamales: Scrumptious corn husk wrapped packets of deliciousness
Manana: The answer to any question regarding time restraints
Manana: The answer to any question regarding time restraints
Sunday, December 13, 2009

If you were to ask for something uniquely El Pasoan, then Chico's Tacos is where you would visit. Loved and adored by El Pasoans and N'sync alike this hometown classic was established in 1952 and has made a kaboodle since. It is one of those things however that you love or hate. Chico's Tacos consist of tacquitos filled with a beef mixture, soaked in a tomato soup broth, topped with mild cheddar cheese green chili sauce, and then devoured before your stomach knows what hit it.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

So since we've moved here it has been made clear that basically there is only one week of wintery weather in El Paso all together, and this consists of a day or two here and there of colder conditions, light rain, and possibly a flurry or two. Needless to say this winter it appears that El Paso would like to welcome us with open arms and in an effort to make us feel more at home has decided to bestow upon us some of the worst winter weather conditions that most El Pasoans have ever seen.
We awoke to find ourselves blanketed in snow (about two inches which is like a blizzard by their standards). The sound of a light scraping came from the neighbors across the street. I opened my blind to see one of our neighbors on his flat roof top sweeping the snow off of it into the yard in order to avoid water settling and causing leaks. A girl at work informed me that she used a dustpan to scrape the ice and snow from her car this morning. Desperate times call for desperate measures my friends.
We bravely decided to battle the elements and headed out in the ministry. Passing the park up the road we watched amused at the parents out playing in the snow with their children. All kids had a two hour delay today and literally all of El Paso was smiling at the white blessing from the sky. I have never seen such happy people in all my life. You would have thought they had all discovered a great treasure! I just love the people here, smiling even when it is wet and cold!
Then to top it all off I go to work and find a makeshift snow man greeting me at the door. The baristas and a few children got together to make this creature early in the morning. A photo of it is posted. He is very short but then again, why would you expect anything taller. :)
Monday, November 30, 2009
Let It Snow Let It Snow
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Rain, in El Paso, Why I Never!
I am dumbfounded, we are in El Paso and it has been raining, quite steadily all day.... Possibility of snow tomorrow. Snow? Yes, snow! I'm considering the possibility of El Nino weather effects, while the rest of El Paso is blaming Northerners who possibly unleashed this stormy beast while unpacking, I can't imagine who they could ever mean. :) In all seriousness though the mountains look amazing draped in cloud cover so spooky and surreal.
New Mexico

Yesterday we travelled to Las Cruces, NM after service for a get-together at a couple's house from our congregation. When we got there the electricity had gone out due to the rain, (yes any weather other than sun sends the southwest into a panic...they just aren't equipped to deal with it. I counted two sewer drains on my way to meeting today along the entire route, two! They just don't need them.)
We watched the lightening and felt and listened to the thunder under their porch for a long time. In the desert there is a plant called the Creosote bush and when it rains on the leaves of the plant it lets out a smell that is so fresh and clean. You couldn't help but breathe in the scent of the desert. I have posted some photos of it above that I was able to pull of the internet.
We played the "animal" game which is a lot of fun and then we played a fabulous version of Telephone...the ASL way.
You have a total of four people the first person chooses a story from the Bible Stories book, performs it in front of the remaining people and one of the 4 people chosen. The other two are kept in a back room. The second person from the four then has to act out what the first person acted out to the best of their ability to the third person. Then the third person acts out in front of the fourth person to the best of their ability copying the second person. The fourth person has to guess what the story was originally. You may think the idea is simple but trust me it is amazing how little the mind can remember when it is put on the spot and different people's mannerisms and such makes for an awesome variety of performances. For example, Stefan chose to do the story of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. By the time it got to the last person they were acting out a Bullfighter and Flamenco dancers.
Best of all we were able to Ichat with our family who was simultaneously having a get-together in Ohio. So our congregations were in a way having one huge party :)
It is such a joy to be in Jehovah's organization where you can feel so at home and so close to the brothers and sisters in just a short amount of time. You always have family wherever you are.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Our Family has Grown
Our hot water is back!!!!!! And our new extended family keeps growing. These are some photos of Brother and Sister Leyva and their friends and family who come to service the house when things go wrong. They are really sweet and have become true brothers and sisters.
The two photos of the Mission and Cactus were taken at the University of Texas El Paso. There is a Chihuahan Desert Garden building that I desperately wanted to go into but it was closed for the holidays. The University is really beautiful, southwestern-themed, and full of unique architecture and plants.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Cold Water.....

To quote the words of Damien Rice, "Cold, cold water, surrounds me now." For many of you this is going to seem like Deja Vu as this topic has been discussed previously. When we arrived to our new home we had to wait two days for the hot water to be turned on due to the "Gas Nazi's" of the Texas Gas Company. Pretty much if you don't keep the originally set appointment for the turning on of your gas, then....."NO GAS FOR YOU!" However we all told each other that one day we would look back and laugh at this experience. And so we did. Till again this weekend we find ourselves in the same predictament. Our water heater was replaced this weekend, as the landlord realized it needed to be when it was originally turned on. Fantastic!
Except it doesn't work..... ha ha ha.... So here we find ourselves again boiling water, filling our bathtub, and nursing our colds that have developed. Today, a plumber may come to fix the issue, again I say may as it is always a possibility that today can mean tomorrow or next week. Yes my friends, one day we will look back on this and laugh, but we will be more careful how soon we do so this time. In the mean time our stove is feeling well loved, and we are getting plenty of exercise carrying boiling water up and down the stairs. I think this may be preparation for something, I'm just not sure what yet.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
The First of Many
I write the first blog post with a smile on my face knowing that most of you who will read this will laugh at my lack of technological abilities. At first I thought hey, what a great idea, a blog, sure beats writing out emails and sending them out to the masses. However, after just setting up a blog title I found myself exhausted and ready for a nap. I hope that this blog will serve its purpose well, to share with everyone bits and pieces of our new lives in our new home. Soon it will no longer be new but it will always be different then what we have ever experienced before. So I thank you for taking the time to read my mumble-jumble and hope you enjoy!
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