It feels like ages since I've actually written any of the goings on. . . It's late and I should be getting to bed but my adrenaline is still pumping from the days activities so hopefully writing will help a bit. This morning was the Special talk and Tony did an amazing job with Jehovah's help of course. Such fabulous illustrations! And the Watchtower?! Our poor conducter was overwhelmed with comments.. (Being in a sattelite group because of the Special talk they combined us with the whole congregation today it was such a delight!) Today was the music recital of the school of music run by two fleshly sisters from our congregation and their mum from a local English congregation. It was just beautiful, and one of our dear young brothers in our congregation gave a fabulous performance!
Spent the rest of the evening with wonderful friends eating amazing Sushi at "THE SUSHI PLACE" on N. the way if you are craving true-biz sushi down here in the desert, this is the place to go. Small, Simple, and Delicious! Tomorrow is the congregation's Going-Away picnic for Stefan. I still can't believe how quickly time has passed. This weekend is our 2 day assembly and Pioneer meeting in Denver, from where Stefan will then fly to Canada. With his wedding only about 3 weeks away. Can you believe it? Mi hermanito is getting married, and moving to another country!! You just never know where you'll end up or what you'll be doing even 1 year from today. I wonder what we'll think 10 years from now looking back on life. Such changes! Who would've ever believed that yours truly would be living in Texas learning Spanish and loving it?! Not I, that's for sure. But Jehovah knows exactly what we need doesn't he?!
Speaking of learning Spanish. A sister from the other side of town recently gave me a contact on an elderly woman here on my side of town that was deaf in one ear since childhood but has progressively lost her hearing in the other ear since and does not use any sign language. Her main spoken language, Spanish, with very little English. I told this sister this exactly the kind of challenge I have been praying for and Jehovah has certainly answered my prayers. Mum and I arrived at her home the first time to pick her up for meeting not sure what to expect . . . Along the drive there were various markets set up selling saddles and boots along side the road and then we found it...cute little chihuahuas guarded the quaint little home and sure enough as the sister had said within 5 minutes the chihuahua chief made his way into the house to fetch his master and out came Elvira...all 4 feet of her (That may even rounding up) She joined us the first time with all smiles and survived the meeting and all of the confusion I'm sure she must have felt.
The next week when we came to pick her up she had been spending the morning cleaning and straightening up (One thing down here I can't tell you how refreshing to be amongst a culture that values such cleanliness! I can count on one hand the number of homes I've been afraid to put my bag down in while in the ministry....people truly have a sense of pride.) She brought us in to meet her birds...some kind of parrots, lovebirds, and a finch. Singing beautifully and such bright colors. As she showed us her beautiful crochet projects and embroidery it was all I could do not to cry. What a gem! She does so well at the meeting looking up the scriptures in her Spanish Bible to be sure she understands. (My stick-figure quick drawings aren't always very understandable...even for me) Can't wait to see what is to come.
This week is the last week of classes at UTEP and the following week will be the graduation. I'll be interpreting with one of the other interpreters. Last time I did it with Stefan, curious to see how it goes this year. I must tell you finger spelling the ginormous names down here can be a bit of a challenge.
For those of you who didn't know Tony as well had the privilege to serve at Bethel for a week last month. He still is on a spiritual high from the abundance of joy he experienced being there.
Well my eyes are starting to get droopy so I think that's my cue to sleep. Love you all hope you are doing well. Please let me know how things are going when you are able.
Loads of Love,