So it has been quite a while since my last posting. Let me take this opportunity to say HOLA to everyone that I haven't been in touch with recently but who are always on my mind. If you are reading this, yes you are one of those people. Things here in The Pass are fabulous and the windy season has come on full force recently. I am amazed at how far a palm tree can bend and how quickly the mountains can dissappear in a storm cloud of dust in the distance. I am starting to feel like Pecos Bill. The weather has been warm and sunny (when it isn't sunny it's pretty much mass chaos and panic which believe me even the most seasoned northerners get used to as well) But the air has changed. In the mornings the birds trill more loudly and the air has a crisp clean scent. SUMMER is around the corner.
I have recently acquired new recipes for Nopales and their Tunas (Cactus leaves and their fruit) It will be another Meagan cooking adventure :) I am sure it will entail a detailed blog posting hopefully with ample photo opportunities.